Rise of Kidnapping and Prevention Strategy


Rise of Kidnapping and Prevention Strategy.

In the last years in Panama, the phenomenon of kidnapping has developed.

Kidnapping is a serious crime and sometimes is committed in conjunction with other crimes. Sometimes, kidnapping investigations start after missing person cases are reported. In fact, missing person investigations can help to determine why people have disappeared and once it is clear that these people have been taken against their will, kidnapping investigators take on the case.

Kidnapping is a term originally coined to describe taking a child away by force or deception. Nowadays, kidnapping terminology still includes abduction and child stealing, but also the abduction of adult people.

Kidnapping investigations should start as soon as the abductions of people are reported. The first hours are always the most crucial ones. Chances of locating a kidnapped person and finding him alive are less and less as time passes by.

Traditional kidnapping and express kidnapping, known as secuestro express in Latin America, are both crimes that terrorist and mafia organizations commit to cash in to finance their own criminal objectives. Foreign organizations are coming to Panama and they are allying with local criminals to organize the kidnapping of affluent people.

After the publishing in “La Prensa” newspaper of an article written by our president Paolo Bourelly, the police seized an apartment in Building Torre2000 in San Francisco area of Panama, where they found computers, arms, drugs and lists of people to kidnap. Colombian and Panamanian people were arrested.

These people are here and live among us in the best areas of the city, authorities, citizens and companies must think about investing in security. What is done today in Panama is not sufficient to ensure security and fight express kidnapping. Multinational companies should invest in security much more than they do today.

For more information read the article Aumento de secuestros y prevención published in La Prensa on 3 March 2010.

ISOG private investigators and private detectives are expert in kidnapping and prevention strategy.